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How to set up XML-RPC

왕코인 2024. 9. 18.

How to set up XML-RPC

XML-RPC is a protocol that enables remote calls from CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress. This allows external applications or services to publish blog posts, moderate comments, or perform other actions. XML-RPC is particularly useful in remote applications such as the WordPress mobile app, but due to security concerns it is recommended to be disabled or restricted by default. This article explains how to set up XML-RPC and how to manage it.

1. Enabling and Disabling XML-RPC

By default, XML-RPC is enabled in WordPress, but you can disable or restrict it for security reasons. Here's how to manage XML-RPC:

1.1. How to disable XML-RPC (using code)

To completely disable XML-RPC, add the code below to the `functions.php` file of your WordPress theme:

 add_filter ('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false'); 

This code disables XML-RPC functionality, preventing external applications from accessing your WordPress site.

1.2. How to disable XML-RPC (using a plugin)

If you find modifying your code difficult or risky, you can use a plugin. You can easily disable XML-RPC by installing a plugin like "Disable XML-RPC" or "Stop XML-RPC Attack".

  • In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for “Disable XML-RPC” and install the plugin. and enable.
  • When the plugin is enabled, XML-RPC is automatically disabled.

2. How to Strengthen XML-RPC Security

You can enhance security even if you must retain XML-RPC functionality. In particular, settings are required to prevent brute force attacks that can occur through XML-RPC.

2.1. Disabling specific XML-RPC methods

If you only want to disable some XML-RPC methods, you can use code like below:

 function remove_xmlrpc_methods($methods) { unset ($methods['pingback.ping']); unset($methods['wp.getUsersBlogs']); return $methods; } add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'remove_xmlrpc_methods'); 

This code disables certain XML-RPC methods (e.g. pingback.ping, wp.getUsersBlogs), which helps reduce security risks.

2.2. Blocking XML-RPC access via .htaccess file

To block XML-RPC access at the server level, you can edit the website's `.htaccess` file:

 # BEGIN XML-RPC Block  order deny,allow deny from all  # END XML-RPC Block 

This code is an XML-RPC related file. Block all external access to `xmlrpc.php`. This method can be applied on WordPress sites using Apache web server.

2.3. Use security plugins

You can use WordPress security plugins (e.g. Wordfence, iThemes Security) to enhance security around XML-RPC. These plugins provide the ability to detect and block abnormal access through XML-RPC.

  • After installing the security plugin, check XML-RPC-related settings and enable enhanced security options.
  • Access XML-RPC from a specific IP address or country. You can set rules to limit

3. Considerations for maintaining XML-RPC functionality

If you must use XML-RPC without disabling it, consider the following to maintain security:

  • Use passwords: Set strong passwords for accounts that use XML-RPC, and change them regularly.
  • Set up two-factor authentication (2FA): WordPress accounts Set up two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access through XML-RPC.
  • Log monitoring: Periodically monitor XML-RPC-related access logs through server logs or security plugins.


XML-RPC is an important feature of WordPress, but it must be managed carefully as it can lead to security vulnerabilities. . You can improve security by disabling XML-RPC or restricting it to only certain methods, and you can take additional protection measures using server-level settings or security plugins. If you must maintain XML-RPC functionality, operate your website safely with strong security settings.
